An Overview Of 3D Printing Technology For Beginners

3D printers have become one of the fastest growing businesses today, thanks to modern technology. However, many individuals remain unclear how the process works, which prevents them from taking full advantage of this emerging trend in business. We will discuss what 3D printing is and its workings here before discussing some essential procedures for producing something with one.

What Is 3d Printing?

Simply put, 3D printing is a process used to produce three dimensional objects from computer aided design (CAD). Also referred to as additive printing as it uses layers on top of one another during its creation process, businesses started using this technology in 1990 for prototyping purposes but gradually more people became aware of its significance – now being utilized to produce things which otherwise are hard or impossible to produce using conventional means.

What Type Of Science Is 3d Printing Built On?

3D printing works by taking digital models and layering them up, producing three dimensional objects from them. While different printers utilize various technologies and materials, their main concept remains consistent – using heat sources as fuel, the printer will take writing material and burn it away to form new shapes.

Extrusion involves sending wet material through an extruder’s tip and turning it into thin strands that will then be guided by computer algorithms using their CAD model of your product to form thin filaments that will then be cast until its final form has been reached. Strand casting must continue until desired results have been attained.

What You Can Create With A 3d Printer

3D printers can transform computer images of items into physical reality quickly and inexpensively, manufacturing items faster than most manufacturing units and creating parts which would otherwise be difficult or impossible to produce by hand or other tools.

Different Types Of 3d Printers

The two most well-known types of 3D printers are:

1) Fused Deposition Modelling (FDM)

This video illustrates how to use a filament spool to print from a 3D CAD model. Material emerges from its tip when heated by the printer to a certain temperature and placed along a designated line using spraying equipment; the process continues until its final form has been reached. Check out our FDM 3D Printing Guide by our team for further insight.

2) Stereolithography

SLA 3D printing was the initial form of 3D printing. Due to being an old machine, this method involves printing using mirrors instead of laser beams – instead sending laser light back through a mirror-aided path to soften and harden the material precisely where needed. Our team offers guidance about SLA 3D printing here.

3) Digital Light Processing

Digital Light Processing Digital Light Processing is an improved version of Stereolithography; instead of manually placing mirrors for printing purposes, Digital Light Processing utilizes an accurate tool for more precise printing processes.

4) Printing Material

Given the wide array of 3D printers on the market, it stands to reason that they would require various materials for use.

5) Polylactic Acid (PLA)

PLA is made from sugarcane or cornstarch and naturally degrades over time, leaving behind its pleasant odour as it holds things together well. Plus, its lightweight construction and easy molding allow you to make almost any form you can think of imaginable! With temperatures getting warm at around 50 degrees Celsius it is perfect for printing purposes at around 190 degrees Celsius!

6) Acrylonitrile Butadiene Styrene (ABS)

Lego blocks are constructed using polystyrene material that doesn’t biodegrade as they’re made from fossil fuels; their manufacture does not pollute global environments like its counterparts do; when written it emits a smell similar to burned plastic when inked on paper. Due to being composed of tough plastics it requires additional heat during formation but once complete it will last a long time; their temperatures can reach 260 degrees Celsius at 230 degrees C.

How A 3d Printer Works

Every type of 3D printer operates differently and uses different materials, but the basic steps for publishing are always similar regardless of which kind you own.

  • You must create or acquire the 3D model of what you intend to print, then convert it to STL format using Slicer software and run a Slicer script that converts
  • This STL file format to G-Code before printing your model.
  • Once this step has been completed, G-code can be used for printing.


3D printing is an extremely efficient way of creating three dimensional objects. While 3D printers cannot yet create everything, we believe 3D printing has an immense potential as an asset in business – particularly defense and medical research businesses that need this cutting-edge technology for production purposes. With it, formerly difficult-to-manufacture items can now be manufactured much more efficiently by hand than before!

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