Top 10 Scholarships In USA For International Students

Scholarships in USA For International Students : The United States is a sought-after destination for international students who are looking for high-quality education and diverse academic opportunities. Studying in the USA can provide students with a valuable global perspective, access to world-class faculty, and a chance to be part of a vibrant and multicultural community.

For many international students, the cost of education in the USA can be a significant barrier. However, there are numerous scholarships and financial aid options available to help make studying in the USA more affordable and accessible. These scholarships are designed to recognize and support the academic achievements, leadership potential, and financial need of international students.

In this article, we will explore the top 10 scholarships in the USA for international students. Whether you are an undergraduate student or planning to pursue a Master’s or PhD degree, these scholarships can provide you with the financial support you need to achieve your educational goals.

Key Takeaways:

  • Top scholarships in the USA for international students can help make studying in the USA more affordable.
  • These scholarships recognize academic achievements, leadership potential, and financial need.
  • There are scholarships available for undergraduate, Master’s, and PhD students.
  • Scholarships often cover full tuition, living expenses, and other related costs.
  • Applying for scholarships requires careful research and preparation.

Fulbright Program

The Fulbright Program is an esteemed scholarship program that offers full financial support to international students pursuing a Master’s or PhD degree in the United States. This scholarship program is also open to individuals who wish to engage in non-degree postgraduate studies.

The Fulbright Program provides an incredible opportunity for international students to immerse themselves in higher education in the USA and gain valuable academic experiences. Whether you aspire to obtain an advanced degree or engage in specialized postgraduate studies, the Fulbright Program can help you achieve your educational goals.

Benefits of the Fulbright Program

  • Covers tuition fees
  • Provides textbooks
  • Includes airfare
  • Offers a living stipend
  • Provides health insurance

With the Fulbright scholarship, you won’t have to worry about the financial burden associated with pursuing higher education in the USA. The program covers your tuition fees, ensuring that you can focus on your studies and academic pursuits without any financial constraints.

In addition to the tuition fees, the Fulbright Program provides textbooks, which can be a significant expense for international students. By offering this support, the program aims to ease the financial burden and ensure that students have access to the necessary learning materials.

Travel expenses can often deter international students from pursuing their educational dreams in the USA. However, the Fulbright Program covers airfare, making it easier for students to embark on their academic journey without worrying about the cost of travel.

To further support your living expenses during your studies, the Fulbright Program provides a living stipend. This financial support helps cover essential needs like accommodation, meals, and other daily expenses, ensuring that you can fully focus on your education and personal development.

Lastly, the Fulbright scholarship also includes health insurance coverage. This ensures that you have access to essential healthcare services and can maintain your well-being throughout your academic journey.

“The Fulbright Program is a gateway for international students to pursue their educational aspirations in the United States. With its comprehensive financial support, it enables students to focus on their studies and embrace a transformative learning experience.” – [Author Name]

The Fulbright Program offers international students the opportunity to pursue a Master’s or PhD degree, engage in non-degree postgraduate studies, and experience the renowned education system in the United States. With its comprehensive scholarship package, including tuition fees, textbooks, airfare, a living stipend, and health insurance, the Fulbright Program is a valuable resource for international students seeking to further their academic and professional growth.

Humphrey Fellowship Program

Humphrey Fellowship Program

The Humphrey Fellowship Program is an esteemed scholarship opportunity that provides experienced professionals from designated countries with a year of professional enrichment in the United States. This program aims to develop the leadership potential of individuals committed to public service and create a global network of like-minded professionals.

The Humphrey Fellowship Program offers full grants that cover all expenses related to the fellowship, ensuring that recipients can fully focus on their professional development without financial burden. Whether it is tuition fees, accommodation, travel, or living expenses, these grants provide comprehensive support throughout the fellowship period.

This scholarship program selects fellows based on their leadership potential and demonstrated commitment to public service. Applicants must have a track record of excellence in their respective fields and the desire to make a positive impact in their communities and beyond. The program seeks individuals who can contribute to the development of their home countries as well as foster international collaboration and understanding.

“The Humphrey Fellowship Program is an excellent opportunity for experienced professionals to enhance their skills, expand their network, and immerse themselves in the vibrant academic and professional environment of the United States.”

Key Benefits of the Humphrey Fellowship Program

The following are the key benefits that fellows can expect from the Humphrey Fellowship Program:

Benefits Description
Full Grants The program covers all expenses related to the fellowship, including tuition fees, accommodation, travel, and living expenses.
Professional Enrichment Fellows have the opportunity to enhance their professional skills through specialized non-degree programs and practical experiences.
Leadership Development The program nurtures the leadership potential of fellows, providing them with the necessary skills and knowledge to make a positive impact in their communities and beyond.
Networking Opportunities Fellows become part of a global network of professionals and experts in their respective fields, fostering collaboration and knowledge sharing.
Cultural Exchange The program promotes cultural exchange and understanding, allowing fellows to immerse themselves in the diverse American society.

For experienced professionals seeking to further their careers, expand their networks, and contribute to the public service sector, the Humphrey Fellowship Program offers a prestigious opportunity for growth and development. With full grants covering all expenses, fellows can fully engage in their studies and professional experiences without financial concerns. The program not only equips individuals with the necessary skills and knowledge but also empowers them to become effective leaders in their home countries and beyond.

AU Emerging Global Leader Scholarship Program

AU Emerging Global Leader Scholarship Program

The AU Emerging Global Leader Scholarship Program is a prestigious scholarship opportunity for high-achieving international students who aspire to pursue a Bachelor’s Degree in the USA. This scholarship is specifically designed for students who are dedicated to bringing about positive civic and social change in their communities. The program aims to empower these future leaders by providing them with full financial support to pursue their educational goals.

Through the AU Emerging Global Leader Scholarship Program, international students have the opportunity to receive a full tuition scholarship, as well as coverage for room and board expenses. This comprehensive financial support enables students to focus on their studies and immerse themselves in the academic and extracurricular experiences that will shape their future.

By investing in the education of high-achieving international students, the AU Emerging Global Leader Scholarship Program aims to foster a global community of diverse and talented individuals who will become catalysts for positive change in their respective fields. This scholarship not only recognizes academic excellence but also values the potential impact that students can have on society.

Scholarship Highlights Details
Scholarship Name: AU Emerging Global Leader Scholarship Program
Eligibility: High-achieving international students pursuing a Bachelor’s Degree
Scholarship Coverage: Full tuition, room, and board
Funding: For one international student
Objective: Positive civic and social change

The AU Emerging Global Leader Scholarship Program stands as a testament to the commitment of American University to fostering global engagement and empowering the next generation of leaders. This scholarship provides an exceptional opportunity for international students to pursue their dreams of obtaining a Bachelor’s Degree in the USA, while actively working towards creating a better future for themselves and their communities.

Amherst College Scholarships

Amherst College Scholarships

Amherst College understands the financial burden that international students may face when pursuing higher education in the United States. To support financially needy international students, Amherst College offers need-based financial aid.

Once admitted to Amherst College, the financial need of international students is determined through a comprehensive evaluation process. The college takes into consideration various factors, such as the student’s family income, assets, and expenses. This meticulous financial need determination ensures that aid is allocated to those who require it the most.

Amherst College provides an aid package that includes both self-help and gift aid. Self-help refers to employment opportunities, such as on-campus jobs or work-study programs, allowing students to contribute towards their educational expenses while gaining valuable work experience. Gift aid, on the other hand, includes scholarships and grants that do not need to be repaid, lightening the financial burden for students.

“Amherst College is committed to offering need-based financial aid to financially needy international students, ensuring that the cost of education does not hinder deserving individuals from pursuing their academic dreams.”

With the aid package provided by Amherst College, financially needy international students can focus on their studies and personal growth, knowing that their financial worries have been alleviated. This support enables students to actively engage in campus life, join extracurricular activities, and make the most of their educational journey at Amherst College.

Amherst College Scholarships offer an opportunity for talented international students to receive the necessary financial assistance to pursue their academic aspirations in the United States.

Benefits of Amherst College Scholarships

The benefits of Amherst College Scholarships include:

  • Need-based financial aid for financially needy international students
  • Comprehensive financial need determination process
  • Aid package with self-help (employment) and gift aid (scholarships and grants)
  • Opportunities for on-campus employment through work-study programs
  • Reduced financial burden for students
  • Ability to fully focus on academics and personal growth
Scholarship Benefits
Need-based financial aid ✓
Financial need determination ✓
Aid package ✓
Self-help (employment) ✓
Gift aid (scholarships and grants) ✓

With Amherst College Scholarships, financially needy international students can overcome financial barriers and pursue their educational goals with confidence and peace of mind.

Berea College Scholarships

Berea College Scholarships

All admitted international students at Berea College receive financial aid and scholarships that cover 100% of tuition, room, board, and fees for the first year. In subsequent years, international students are expected to save $1,000 and the college provides summer jobs to help meet this requirement.

Berea College is committed to providing accessible education to all students, regardless of their financial background. Admitted international students are awarded scholarships that cover 100% of their tuition, room, board, and fees for their first year at Berea College. This ensures that students can focus on their studies without the burden of financial stress.

Starting from the second year, Berea College expects international students to save $1,000 per year towards their education. To assist students in meeting this requirement, the college offers summer job opportunities on campus. These jobs not only provide financial support but also valuable work experience, helping students develop important skills for their future careers.

The combination of scholarships covering the first-year costs and the earnings from summer jobs in subsequent years allows international students to fulfill their savings requirement while continuing their education without interruption. This approach supports the diverse student body at Berea College and fosters a culture of inclusivity and collaboration among students from different backgrounds.

Scholarship Coverage at Berea College

Scholarship Component Description
Tuition Covers the full cost of tuition for the first year
Room Covers the expenses for on-campus housing
Board Includes meal plans and dining services
Other Fees Covers mandatory fees and expenses

Berea College is renowned for its commitment to providing a high-quality education without imposing financial burdens on its students. Through the Berea College Scholarships, the college enables admitted international students to pursue their academic goals with confidence and peace of mind.

Wien International Scholarship Program (WISP) at Brandeis University

Wien International Scholarship Program

The Wien International Scholarship Program at Brandeis University offers an exceptional opportunity for students from around the world to pursue their undergraduate program in the United States. Designed for global citizens, this scholarship program aims to cultivate international perspectives and promote cross-cultural understanding.

One of the key advantages of the Wien International Scholarship Program is its commitment to meeting the full demonstrated financial need of each recipient. This means that students who demonstrate financial need will receive comprehensive support to cover the costs of their education, including tuition, housing, meals, and other associated expenses.

Through the WISP, students have access to a first-class undergraduate program at Brandeis University, renowned for its academic excellence and vibrant campus community. With a wide range of majors and interdisciplinary programs, students can explore their passions and thrive in a supportive environment.

Additionally, the WISP offers more than just financial assistance. It provides recipients with opportunities for personal and professional growth, including mentorship programs, leadership development workshops, and extracurricular activities that help foster a global perspective.

“Being a recipient of the Wien International Scholarship has been life-changing. It has allowed me to pursue my dreams of studying in the United States and has opened doors to endless opportunities. I am grateful for the support and network I have gained through this program.” – Sarah, WISP recipient

Key Features of the Wien International Scholarship Program:

  • Undergraduate program for global citizens
  • Full demonstrated financial need met
  • Comprehensive support for tuition, housing, meals, and other expenses
  • Access to a wide range of majors and interdisciplinary programs
  • Opportunities for personal and professional growth
Program Name University Eligibility Financial Coverage
Wien International Scholarship Program (WISP) Brandeis University Undergraduate students
Global citizens
Full demonstrated financial need

Don’t miss out on the chance to be a part of the Wien International Scholarship Program at Brandeis University. This scholarship opens doors to a world-class education in the United States, empowering students to become active global citizens and make a positive impact in their communities.

Clark University Scholarships

Clark University Scholarships

Clark University offers the prestigious Clark Presidential Scholarships to exceptional international students who demonstrate outstanding academic records and leadership potential. These scholarships provide a remarkable opportunity for talented individuals to pursue their educational journey in the United States.

The Clark Presidential Scholarships not only recognize academic excellence but also encourage and nurture leadership qualities in students. By awarding these scholarships, Clark University aims to empower future leaders who will make a positive impact in their communities and beyond.

The Clark Presidential Scholarships provide comprehensive financial support that covers full tuition, on-campus room and board, allowing recipients to fully immerse themselves in their studies and campus life. This commitment to providing a complete educational experience sets Clark University apart as a leading institution for international students seeking scholarships in the USA.

With the Clark Presidential Scholarships, international students can focus on their personal and intellectual growth while benefiting from a supportive academic environment. The scholarships enable students to explore a wide range of academic disciplines and participate in extracurricular activities, fostering a well-rounded educational experience.

The Clark Presidential Scholarships are awarded for all four years of undergraduate study, ensuring continuity and stability for recipients. This long-term commitment allows students to fully engage with their studies, build lasting relationships, and cultivate their leadership potential.

Eligibility Criteria for Clark Presidential Scholarships:

  • Exceptional academic record
  • Demonstrated leadership potential

By meeting these criteria, international students have the opportunity to receive a world-class education at Clark University, renowned for its academic excellence and commitment to fostering global citizenship.

With the Clark Presidential Scholarships, deserving international students can unleash their potential, pursue their passion, and contribute to a brighter future. Apply now and embark on a transformative educational journey at Clark University.

Benefits Duration
Full tuition coverage Four years
Room and board on campus Four years

Colby-Sawyer College Scholarships

Colby-Sawyer College Scholarships image

Colby-Sawyer College offers merit-based financial aid to international students seeking scholarships in the USA. These scholarships are awarded based on academic ability and provide an excellent opportunity for deserving students to pursue their educational dreams.

The scholarship value at Colby-Sawyer College ranges up to $8,000 per year, depending on the academic achievements of the students. This merit-based financial aid recognizes the outstanding academic abilities of international students and supports their educational journey at the college.

By offering these scholarships, Colby-Sawyer College aims to provide financial assistance to talented individuals who demonstrate exceptional academic potential. The college believes in recognizing and supporting students who have worked hard to excel academically and deserve recognition for their achievements.

International students who are considering studying in the USA can benefit from Colby-Sawyer College Scholarships, which not only provide monetary support but also affirm the university’s commitment to academic excellence and rewarding deserving students. These scholarships enable international students to not only pursue their educational goals but also become a part of the vibrant and diverse Colby-Sawyer community.

Scholarship Academic Ability Amount
Colby-Sawyer College Scholarships Ranging up to $8,000 per year Based on academic ability

With Colby-Sawyer College Scholarships, international students have the opportunity to receive a valuable merit-based financial aid package, making their education at the college more affordable and accessible. As a recipient of these scholarships, international students can focus on their studies and fully immerse themselves in the college experience, knowing that their academic abilities are recognized and supported.

Colby-Sawyer College is committed to providing a quality education and supporting students from all backgrounds. Through its merit-based financial aid program, the college ensures that talented international students have the opportunity to thrive academically and experience the benefits of studying in the United States.


In conclusion, the scholarships available in the USA for international students provide excellent opportunities for pursuing higher education in premier institutions. Whether it’s the prestigious Fulbright Program, university-specific scholarships, or need-based financial aid, there are numerous options to suit different academic merits, financial situations, and leadership potential.

These scholarships not only cover tuition fees but also help with expenses like room and board, textbooks, airfare, and healthcare. This financial support makes studying in the USA more accessible and allows international students to focus on their education and personal growth without the burden of excessive financial stress.

By taking advantage of these scholarships, international students can broaden their horizons, gain valuable experiences, and contribute to their fields of study. Through their time in the USA, these students can not only fulfill their academic aspirations but also build a global network, foster intercultural understanding, and bring diverse perspectives to their chosen disciplines.

Also Refer : 10 Best Universities In The World For Scholarships


Q: What are the top 10 scholarships in USA for international students?

A: The top 10 scholarships in the USA for international students include merit scholarships, university emerging global leader scholarship, international fellowships, AAUW international fellowships, and more.

Q: Where can I find scholarships for international students in the USA?

A: You can find scholarships for international graduate students in the USA through various sources such as colleges and universities, scholarship databases, and specific scholarship programs for international applicants.

Q: Are there merit-based scholarships available for international undergraduate students?

A: Yes, there are merit-based scholarships available for open to international undergraduate scholarships for foreign students in the USA. These scholarships recognize academic achievement and other criteria set by the scholarship providers.

Q: How can I apply for the University Emerging Global Leader Scholarship in the USA?

A: To apply for the University Emerging Global Leader Scholarship in the USA, you typically need to meet specific eligibility criteria and submit an application directly to the university offering the scholarship.

Q: What types of grants are available for international students studying in the USA?

A: There are various types of grants available for international students studying in the USA, including need-based grants, research grants, project grants, and more. These grants can help cover tuition, living expenses, and research costs.

Q: Do universities in the USA offer scholarships specifically for international students?

A: Yes, many universities in the USA offer scholarships specifically for international students to support their education and encourage cultural exchange. These scholarships may be based on merit, financial need, or specific criteria set by the university.

Q: Are there fully funded scholarships available to international students studying in the USA?

A: Yes, there are fully funded scholarships available to international students study in the US. Fully funded scholarships typically cover tuition, accommodation, travel expenses, and other costs associated with studying abroad.

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